Blog/Happy New Year
6th January 2020
Happy New Year to everyone we’ve worked with in the past 12 months. And, in the spirit of inclusivity, Happy New Year to anyone we didn’t have the pleasure of working with too!
May 2020 be filled with happiness and prosperity for each and every one of you. Life is filled with opportunities – it’s knowing which to pursue and which to leave for someone else.
Maddison Creative is back to full speed now that Christmastime is over, and we’re expecting lots of new projects to get our teeth into, and a good amount of new clients to help too, so if you’re looking for any kind of digital design – website, advertising, new media content, video or animation or offline/print media, don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Thank you for your custom and your company in 2019 – We look forward to working with you all again in 2020!
Things we’re looking forward to in the new year
Each year we find ourselves with great new clients to work with, and each of those clients brings us interesting new projects to get our teeth into. The great part about working at an agency is that we get to see lots of different brands, ideas, different approaches to tackling things, sensibilities and different technologies – each of them with their own challenges and rewards.
It’s the mix of these varied approaches that keeps us designers on our toes, and constantly thinking of better ways to go about design solutions.
May the next twelve months be a continuation of those diverse ideas prompting us to come up with even more creative solutions, whether it be web design, print design, digital advertising or web apps, and whether the goal be to raise awareness, drive traffic or to sell more products or services.
Technology moves so quick that we’re also looking forward to finding out where it will go to next, and what tools we’ll have at our disposal this time next year that we hadn’t heard of this time last year!